Drake, Henri F. and Geoffrey Henderson. 2022. "A Defense of Usable Climate Mitigation Science: How Science can Contribute to Social Movements." Climatic Change 172: 10.
Henderson, Geoffrey, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Matto Mildenberger, and Leah C. Stokes. 2021. "Conducting the Heavenly Chorus: Constituent Contact and Provoked Petitioning in Congress." Perspectives on Politics: 1-18.
Henderson, Geoffrey and Hahrie Han. 2020a. “If We Build It, Only Some Will Come: An Experimental Study of Mobilization for Seattle’s Democracy Voucher Program.” Journal of Experimental Political Science: 1-16.
Henderson, Geoffrey and Hahrie Han. 2020b. “Linking Members to Leaders: How Civic Associations Can Strengthen Members’ External Political Efficacy.” American Politics Research: 1-11.
Sparks, Aaron C., Geoffrey L. Henderson, Shyam K. Sriram, and Eric R.A.N. Smith. 2020. “Measuring Environmental Values and Identity.” Society & Natural Resources: 1-20.
Working Papers and Manuscripts
Rebuilding After Defeat: How Labor-Environmental Coalitions Emerge from Climate Policy Gridlock. Book manuscript. Book workshop held July 12th, 2023, hosted by Duke University.
"Air pollution is associated with lower levels of social movement participation, especially among well-resourced communities." With Patrick Hunnicutt.
Hunnicutt, Patrick and Geoffrey Henderson. 2023. "Particulates Matter: Policy Failures, Air Pollution, and Collective Political Participation in the United States." Working paper presented at the Political Economy of the Environment and Climate (PECE) mini-conference, hosted by the UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation at the UCLA Luskin Center on August 30th, 2023.
"One-Sided Advertising Spending Affects Vote Choice on Ballot Initiatives: The Case of Pine Tree Power." With Robby Lundberg, Caleb Schmidt, and Nicholas Jacobs. To be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 5th-8th, 2024.
"Building a Bigger Team: Explaining Organized Labor's Advocacy for Climate Policy in Washington State." Presented at the Consortium on the American Political Economy Summer Academy, hosted by the University of California, Berkeley, June 13th, 2023.
"Policymaking under Uncertainty: The Case of Climate Coalitions." With Alexander Gard-Murray. To be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Los Angeles, CA, September 2nd, 2023.
"Getting the Message on Climate: Attention as a Key Obstacle to Translating Survey-Experimental Findings into Real-World Impacts." With Nick Carnes. To be presented at the Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference, Chicago, IL, April 13th-16th, 2023.
“The effect of environmental voter mobilization on voter turnout and environmental attitudes: Evidence from a field experiment in British Columbia, Canada.” With Matto Mildenberger and Leah C. Stokes. Earlier draft presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Environmental Politics and Governance, University of California, Santa Barbara, June 29th, 2019.